Navigating Leases and the COVID-19 Outbreak – Part 6 Victoria has now passed the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) (Commercial Leases and Licences) R...
Navigating Leases and the COVID-19 Outbreak – Part 4 Prime Minister Scott Morrison yesterday announced a mandatory Code of Conduct (“Code”), to be legisl...
Navigating Leases and the COVID-19 Outbreak – Part 3 The COVID-19 Legislation Amendment (Emergency Measures) Act 2020 (NSW) (“the NSW Act”) received roya...
Navigating Leases and the COVID-19 Outbreak – Part 2 Since our first COVID-19 leasing update, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has flagged a six (6) month m...
Navigating Leases and the COVID-19 Outbreak The outbreak of COVID-19 is impacting global markets across all industries and causing significant d...