About me
My name is Suzanne Squire.
I practice in the area of Worker’s Compensation, acting on behalf of Victorian employers, insurers and WorkSafe Victoria.
I commenced my career as a solicitor at the Transport Accident Commission, before coming to Wisewould Mahony in January 2009. In 2016 I was honoured to be asked to join the partnership. I am currently completing a Masters of Laws at Monash University.
I work with an amazing group of lawyers. I am lucky enough to call my work colleagues friends. I really can’t imagine working anywhere else.
I truly believe that we go the extra mile to provide our clients with the best possible representation. We don’t look for the easy way out. When we say we will do something for our clients, we do it.
As a long distance runner, I liken many of my cases to marathons. In order to achieve the best result for my client it can take time, patience, meticulous preparation and dedication. When I finally get to the end and achieve the best outcome possible, it is always worth it.
Litigation is my favourite part of being a lawyer. With every case I run, I learn something new.