About me
My name is Dominic Lay. I am a partner in the firm’s Recoveries and Self Insurance departments. For over 25 years I have acted for the VWA and TAC and for the last 8 or so years I have also acted for self insurers. I have been a LIV accredited specialist in personal injury law for 15 years.
I’ve worked at Wisewould Mahony since 2009. I really enjoy the collegiality of the place. Everyone’s door is open and we are always prepared to help each other out. There are some really smart lawyers here and I value their input. In addition, we genuinely enjoy each others company and our clients’ company. As a firm, we know how to have fun.
I find that hard work, attention to detail and a creative mind are important in my work. My clients get meticulous preparation, a thorough understanding of the matter and the law and most importantly good humour and common sense. I’m very outcome driven, I want to move matters on to their conclusion, I get frustrated when matters just stagnate. I want to get the best result for my clients bearing in mind that sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.
I really enjoy negotiation and being in court. I love to win, especially when no offers of settlement have been made by the other side. It’s always very satisfying to prove your case.